Scuba Dive Club reef and wreck dive in the Florida Keys

Scuba Dive Club Key West 2015
Admiral Farragut Academy’s Dive Club traveled to the beautiful waters in the Florida Keys to enjoy two days of reef and wreck diving.
The first day consisted of diving the wreck of the Eagle. The wreck lies in 115′ of water on its side and visibility was 30′. The current above the wreck was quite fast and required a firm hold on the ascent line to keep from drifting off. All divers did a great job handling the challenging conditions. Second dive was at a hard bottom area with lots of large sponges and a shark was spotted.
The first dive of the second day was an eel feeding done by Captain Slate. Many of the students got to pet the eel. The second dive was to a deep reef that reached depths of 80′.
Overall conditions were a bit rougher than the students had experienced in the past, but all did a fantastic job. The boat captain said that it was the best group he has ever taken out, not only in dive skills but also in overall manners.
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