Elijah Soyke ‘19 receives third place in state essay contest
On Saturday, May 27, Elijah Soyke ‘19 received a 1st place certificate and prize money for winning the Sons of the American Revolution St. Petersburg Chapter George S. and Stella M. Knight Essay Contest.The George S. & Stella M. Knight Essay Contest calls for an original researched and proven topic written in English. The topic of the essay shall deal with an event, person, philosophy, or ideal associated with the American Revolution; the Declaration of Independence; or the framing of the United States Constitution. Essays are judged equally on the following criteria: A.) Historical accuracy B.) Clarity of thought C.) Organization and proven topic D.) Grammar and spelling E.) Documentation.
Chapter Historian John Stewart facilitated Farragut’s participation in the contest and presented Elijah with his awards during the chapter meeting. Elijah’s father read his winning essay about the U.S. Constitution to everyone in attendance, including Mr. Xenakis, who represented AFA’s Social Studies Department at the meeting.
Because Elijah won the chapter-level contest, his essay was automatically entered into the state-level competition. He placed 3rd in the state-level contest. This is the highest a Farragut student has placed in the state-level contest since students began participating in it several years ago. Elijah received his 3rd place award certificate and prize money during the underclassmen awards ceremony held at Farragut on Monday, May 21.
Any students interested in participating in next year’s essay contest can learn about it via the link below and by contacting Mr. Xenakis at txenakis@farragut.org. Congratulations, Elijah, and thanks to John Stewart for facilitating our participation in the essay contest.