Gulf Beach Masonic Lodge Recognizes Outstanding JROTC and Farragut cadet Shyann Laporte ’20
Gulf Beach Masonic Lodge No. 291 recognized Farragut Cadet Shyann LaPorte ’20 with the presentation of the ‘Steven M. Fetherman JROTC Excellence Award’ on November 29th at the Lodge’s Annual Awards Dinner. This award is presented to a JROTC student who excels academically, demonstrates strong leadership skills, and is active in the community and school.
Steven M. Fetherman was a Past Master of Gulf Beach Lodge and served in the United States Marine Corp from 1976-1982. Steve Fetherman exuded the ideals of the Marine Corp and was a proponent of helping young people better themselves by hard work and discipline. Steve Fetherman died unexpectedly this year at the age of 64, the members of the Masonic Lodge have created this award to honor his memory. Shyann was presented the award by Mrs. Kendra Fetherman, Steven’s widow.
Shyann is a junior and has earned the rank of Chief Petty Officer. She is the starting catcher for Farragut’s state champion softball team and is a catcher and a third baseman for the 18U Clearwater Bullets. She is most proud of her position this year as the unarmed drill team commander. Shyann takes part in the National Honor Society and holds a 4.4 GPA. She earned the 2018 FACA All-State Academic and All-State Athletic award. She offers her time volunteering at the VA Hospital assisting wounded warriors and at the Pinellas Hope center feeding the homeless. She also volunteers during her summers at the Pinellas Recreation Summer Camp. When she graduates in 2020, she hopes to attend the Air Force Academy.