Two football players participate in Johns Hopkins concussion study [VIDEO]

Video embedded from WTSP News titled “Tackling Concussions: Johns Hopkins researches study big hits on young athletes”
Two Admiral Farragut Academy BlueJacket football players, seniors Payton Wright and Jared Middleton, are participating in Johns Hopkins Hospital’s three-year study on the effects of concussive and sub-concussive hits on the brains of high school athletes. The study involves athletes wearing a monitor, which records data on the speed and force of each hit, as well as what direction the hit comes from.
Although Payton’s father, Vincent Wright, attributes his Parkison’s disease to the many hits he received while playing football, this has not stopped their love for the game or Payton from participating.
Both athletes are proud to be part of this study in hopes that it provides data that can help prevent repercussions such as Parkinson’s or other unfortunate circumstances.
Read the article called “A proud dad watches his son play football, even after concussions led to Parkinson’s” or watch the video above by WTSP (CBS Channel 10 News).