Farragut’s footprint has evolved with the new addition of DeSeta Hall, and the class of 1980 has joined together to raise funds to provide a legacy gift for Farragut.
We are humbled and encouraged by the Farragut community including parents, alumni, faculty, staff, board members, and friends who have donated to the Farragut Fund for financial aid helping Farragut families in need due to the pandemic. We have received over $115,000 in donations since starting the campaign on May 19, 2020. These donations directly impact boarding and day students who otherwise may not be able to return to Farragut in August.
Foundation Donor Highlight: Rudy ‘58S and Jean Kohler
The Kohler family funds the LTC Rudolph W. Kohler ‘58S, USA (Ret.) Athletic Scholarship Fund and the LTC Rudolph W. Kohler ‘58S, USA (Ret.) Music Scholarship Fund.
After a career as a CEO, he offers time, talent, and treasure to AFA
George Michel ‘49S has been many things in his life: MIT grad, prep school intelligence officer, titan of industry, sailing yachtsman, philanthropist, volunteer leader, and mentor. Not to mention a husband, father, and grandfather.
Before all these things, he was an Admiral Farragut Academy cadet.
Your loyal support to Admiral Farragut Academy is needed now more than ever. Over the years, financial aid has played a huge role in the Farragut experience. Read more
On March 4, 2020, for the second year in a row, Farragut parent and Outback Bowl Board Member Christopher Giblin presented a $5,000 check to the Farragut Fund to be used in support of teachers and students. Giblin is father to Farragut sixth-grader Christopher Giblin.
During Alumni Homecoming 2019, Farragut alumnus Daryl Greenberg ‘66S spent some time in Science Department Chair Sari Deitche’s biology classroom. Daryl was fascinated by the enthusiasm the students shared for biology and how much they were learning about genetics. Mrs. Deitche expressed the need for a MiniOne Gel Electrophoresis System to enhance the learning experience in the classroom and Daryl offered to fund it.
New Building Campaign Ended December 31st; Exceeds $4 Million Goal
Farragut’s first-ever capital campaign ended in success on December 31, 2019, with 231 donors exceeding the goal by giving nearly $4.3 million to the three-year New Building Campaign. Read more