“Reach for the Stars” – How you can help support the Parents’ Group and this event
Dear Farragut Families,
I wanted to reach out to all of you with an update on the exciting things that are shaping up around our auction “Reach for the Stars” on Saturday, April 6th and to let you know where we need your assistance.
As you know, the Auction/Gala is going to have a completely different feel this year as we have famous speed painter Michael Israel as our headline entertainment. We also have an amazing array of high-end hors d’oeuvres, open premium bar with plenty of bartenders, and valet service. Although we have had a slight increase in our ticket price, we have really bumped up the value as well.
Not only will this be a great way to support our school and students, but this will also be a fantastic evening to spend with other parents, your friends, family, and business associates.
Because this event is welcoming the public as well as friends and families of AFA, we have increased our marketing and reach. The following is a short list of some of what you can expect to see in the next 6 weeks:
- 4 Clear Channel electronic billboards strategically located around Tampa Bay
- Postcard mailing to almost 13,000 households in the Tampa Bay area
- Front page of the March issue of Paradise Magazine
- Various Facebook videos and ads
- Yard signs (let me know if you would like one for your home or business!)
With the time of this program coming near, we really need your assistance with the following:
- Ticket Sales! Please purchase your tickets early and invite your friends, neighbors, business associates to do so as well. What a wonderful gift this evening would make for someone special! The success of this program will hinge on ticket sales so please help us spread the word! Please use the following link to use and share: www.farragut.org/RFTS
- Corporate Sponsorships – Please reach out to those in your network that could benefit and have the ability to provide a sponsorship. These come with tickets and lots of special benefits as our program VIPs! What a great way to impress clients or your in-laws.
- Live Auction items that are unique items or experiences. A few examples of experiences and items that we already have are: NASA Tour, DC Tour, Chalet in Arizona, Helicopter tour and dinner, Ms. Pac-Man video console, Fender Stratocaster guitar, specialty bourbon, etc.
- Silent Auction items that you would coordinate with your homeroom parents
For special assignments, we are looking for volunteer assistance with the following:
- Live Auction
- Silent Auction
- Design and Decorating
- AV and Music
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or ideas. Thank you for helping to make this an incredible fundraiser for our school!
Marjorie Deskovich
School Phone: 727-384-5501, they will share your number with me!