Lower School holds speech contest, 7th grader Casey McKee continues to city-wide competition
The Lower School held it’s annual speech contest right before Spring Break. Congratulations to winners Jillian Aprile, 5th grade, and Casey McKee, 7th grade. Casey will go on to represent Admiral Farragut Academy in the city-wide speech contest sponsored by the St. Petersburg Rotary Club, which will take place at St. Petersburg High School on April 21.
4th-5th Grade Contest
On Wednesday, March 23rd the classes of 4th and 5th grade presented their 3-minute speeches in the chapel. The topic was “What do I have to be optimistic about in today’s world?” Students explained their optimism for many different things like future technology, a better world, and becoming a teenager. Congratulations to Jillian Aprile, 5th grade, who won with her speech on the future use of natural medicine.
- Jillian Aprile
6th-7th Grade Contest
On Friday, March 25th the classes of 6th and 7th grade delivered their 3-minute speeches in the chapel. The topic was “What is the single biggest issue America faces today? How would you fix it?” Students spoke on issues such as marriage equality, laziness, animal abuse, and partisanship. Congratulations to Casey McKee, 7th grade, with her speech on racism.
- Casey McKee