Lower School Drama Club performs “Cinderella KIDS”
Directed by social studies teacher Mrs. Rowe and language arts teacher Mrs. Fowler, the Lower School Drama Club presented the broadway-inspired musical Disney’s Cinderella KIDS. It was represented impeccably by the student cast.
With great attendance, and a little bit of magic, the Disney’s Cinderella KIDS cast performed the timeless “rags to riches” fairy tale. The student actors portrayed their roles wonderfully and the audience loved the show. Lower School Principal, Anita Fine, said:
I was truly impressed with our student’s performance this morning! This is a great example of how hard work pays off. The Lower School Drama Club practiced every day for the last couple of weeks and even during some weekends. I’m so proud of all the hard work the students put into this and absolutely loved the show!
Special thanks went out to all who made the show possible, including parent volunteers, Upper School students who helped backstage, and the wonderful public. A special shout out to Mr. Collins, Mrs. Sokolowski, and Mrs. Panuthos for their time and dedication to expanding the talents of our students!