Winners of 3rd-8th grade continue to schoolwide spelling bee

Pictured: 4th-7th grade winners
Every year our students participate in the Scripps Spelling Bee to help students improve their spelling, learn concepts, and develop correct English usage that will help them all their lives. First, our school conducts spelling bee contests at the grade level and then the school level. Our grade level winners will be spelling in the school bee on January 13 at 3:30PM in the aviation room.
Congratulations to Our Grade Level Winners!
Grade – Class Speller – Winning Word
3rd – Alexandra Wallace
4th – Aiden Geis – “lavender”
5th – Elizabeth Zhao – “cyclone”
6th – Hugh Seeley – “sustainable”
7th – Blue Ansley Fine – “improve”
7th – Gold Devyn Barrett – “philharmonic”
8th Grade – Philip Berkovich -“anemone”
8th Grade – Bianca DeSilva – “ecclesiastical”
The schoolwide spelling champions will continue to the next level of competition.
This spelling bee is the nation’s largest and longest-running educational promotion, administered on a not-for-profit basis by The E.W. Scripps Company and local spelling bee sponsors in the United States, American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Department of Defense Schools in Europe; also, the Bahamas, Canada, Ghana, Jamaica, Japan and South Korea.