What is the importance of learning a second language?
Students who understand the importance of learning a second language will find it very rewarding, especially at our boarding school with international students. Becoming bilingual has many benefits! It takes time and dedication, but in the end, it’s well worth it. In a globalized economy, knowing two languages has become very important.
On an interesting note, studies in “psycho-linguistics”, a rather new division of psychology, have found favorable discoveries of students who become bilingual. Be sure to check out the article on the psycho-linguistics of bilingualism to see how learning a new language will further benefit you. Below are four reasons we think it’s important for students to learn a second language.
Connecting with People from Around the World
Knowing the same language connects us to one another. We use language to share information, thoughts, and ideas, and these viewpoints collectively create culture. Learning a second language connects you to a whole new group of people and their culture. Also, your personal experience of culture will be enhanced when you open yourself to the possibilities another language offers. Since students at Admiral Farragut Academy come from all over the world, our students are exposed to different languages and cultures. We also offer foreign language classes in Mandarin Chinese and Spanish.
Employment Opportunities
With an ever-growing global economy and an increasingly diverse national population, speaking a second language is a desirable trait for many employers. From translating or creating documents to speaking with clients, employers need speakers of other languages on a daily basis. Your ability to speak multiple languages makes you a valuable employee.
Traveling and Studying Abroad
If you plan to travel or work abroad, learning a second language will give you the tools to communicate with others. This will make things easier for you and the people you are communicating with. It will be easier to ask for directions and order food and other services. Plus, locals may be friendlier and more helpful if you speak their language.
Personal Fulfillment
Opening your mind to new ideas and new challenges leads to personal growth. You may begin to see yourself and the world differently. You may also understand and appreciate your own language even more. Ultimately, learning a second language is something to be proud of and we encourage all of our students to learn a second language.
Learn more about attending and learning a second language at Admiral Farragut Academy.