Farragut welcomes hundreds of campers for summer camp 2021
The campus has been buzzing with campers who have attended Admiral Farragut Academy’s Little Captains Summer Camp and Basketball Sports Camp, along with other camps that rented our facilities. Also coming up is Farragut’s boarding camp called Summer Signature Series which starts on July 11th.
Each week campers entering Kindergarten-5th grade for the 2021-2022 school year explore various themes and their days are filled with fun, creative, and educational activities, as well as boat rides, pool time, and water slides. The camp runs June 1 – August 6, 2021, Monday thru Friday, 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM. All weeks are currently on a waitlist.
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This year’s weekly themes are:
- Wk 1: Save the Planet 🌎
- Wk 2: Superheroes 🦸🦸
- Wk 3: Jurassic Park 🦕
- Wk 4: Abra-cadabra Magic 🎩
- Wk 5: Bug World 🐛🐞🐝
- Wk 6: Gross Science 👨🔬🥽🧠
- Wk 7: Rainforest Cafe 🦁
- Wk 8: Treasure Hunters 💎
- Wk 9: Shark Week 🦈
- Wk 10: Wacky Water 🌊
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Rising 3rd-8th graders learned the basic fundamentals of and develop skills in basketball, all while having a lot of fun. This camp was led by Farragut Varsity Basketball Coach Julian Allen and ran June 7-18, 2021, Monday thru Friday, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM.
Other local organizations have also rented our facilities including Nike’s Soccer Camp on the Al Ross Field and American Stage in Farragut’s performing arts and multipurpose building DeSeta Hall.
Farragut’s Signature Summer Series Camp
During the Summer Signature Series, campers will not only experience all that Farragut has to offer but will also learn about different countries and cultures from the diverse group of campers. In past years, campers represented many areas of the world including the United States, China, Colombia, Denmark, Italy, Peru, Russia, Spain, and Ukraine, to name a few! The Summer Signature Series weekly sessions start July 11.
- 🌞 Open to the public
- 🌞 Grades 8-12
- 🌞 5 Week-Long Sessions
- 🌞 July 11 – August 14, 2021
- 🌞 Weekly themes are STEM, Leadership & Sailing, Marine Science & Scuba, Aviation, and Explore Florida.