Admiral Farragut Foundation Tops $5.3 Million
The Admiral Farragut Foundation has closed the 2017 books on a record-breaking year. Donations exceeded $850k coupled with a strong market, the total assets have grown well over $1 million last year. The Foundation is currently at $5.3 million in assets.
During the year the Foundation Board interviewed several asset management companies and came to the decision to move the relationship to Main Management in San Francisco. The Foundation also increased its real estate holdings by acquiring three additional properties bordering the campus. Rent proceeds from these properties will go to the Foundation.
As the Foundation continues to grow and support the Academy, we need to develop more supporters whose interest lay with the future and well-being of the Academy. One way to impact the Academy is to consider joining the Admiral Farragut Heritage Society. The Heritage Society are alumni and friends of Farragut who have included the Foundation in their estate plans. There are many benefits to informing us of your plans. First, it ensures that we understand your wishes so your gift will be used exactly as you intend. Second, it allows you to define your legacy and invest in the future of the Academy. Third, and most importantly, it provides us with the opportunity to recognize your generosity.
For more information on becoming a member of the Admiral Farragut Heritage Society or to inform us of a planned gift you have made, contact Tony Sloan at
Thank you to all who have supported the Foundation this year. Job well done!!!