Coach Stan Slaby Interment at Arlington National Cemetery; a recollection by Bob DaSilva, class of 76N’

Coach Stan Slaby
On May 28, 2016 Coach Stan Slaby passed away. Days later, brothers and sisters of our Farragut Family, along with friends and family members of our beloved “Coach,” gathered together at the Cathedral of the Air in Lakehurst, New Jersey, to bid adieu to one of Farragut’s all-time greats during a touching ceremony. Through a coordinated effort by “Coach’s Boys,” Stan was given a burial befitting of a man who gave his heart and soul to Farragut during his 39 years of service with the school. Slaby, who graduated from Ware High School in June of 1943, enlisted in the U.S. Navy one month later to serve his country. During his service Slaby received the Navy & Marine Corps medal for saving a drowning marine in the sea at Normandy on June 9, 1944. He received four additional medals for his service and was honorably discharged in April 1946. Coach was laid to rest and honored with a special ceremony on November 4, 2016 at the Arlington National Cemetery. Read more