7th graders attend Tallahassee Southern Model United Nations Conference
The 7th grade Model United Nations team attended the Tallahassee Southern Model United Nations (TSMUN) conference on Friday, February 11th.
Model UN provides the opportunity for students to debate the contemporary world issues on the United Nation’s agenda. Students write speeches, prepare draft resolutions, negotiate with allies and adversaries, resolve conflicts, and practice the conference rules of procedure within UN committees.
Students Ansley Fine, Turiya Moka, Devyn Barrett, Kenneth Fisher, Gabe Lowe, Brandon McClellan, and Ben Bridges represented the countries of Thailand, Vietnam, and Bolivia. Kenneth and Turiya won an award for their position paper representing Bolivia on combating human trafficking and the protection of human rights and freedoms while countering terrorism. The students did a fantastic job representing their countries and our school. Other trip highlights include a visit to the State Capitol where we observed the Senate in session and also to the Florida Supreme Court.
The trip was led by Carolyn Rowe, Social Studies teacher, and Susan Morris, Librarian.