Two faculty members visit partnership schools in China
Upper School English instructor, Heather Ewing, and Aviation instructor, Rob Ewing, represented Admiral Farragut Academy when they visited the dual partnership schools in China during the month of June. They first went to Limai school in Beijing where they observed classes and held teacher training sessions. Limai has two primary schools and one high school, offering boarding and non-boarding options, similar to Farragut. The second school the Ewings toured was Yaohua school in Tianjin where they attended graduation and Mr. Ewing was a guest speaker as part of the ceremonies.
“The trip was an incredible experience and we are looking forward to greeting some visiting students, at Farragut, later in July,” Mrs. Ewing said. “We found the students to be insightful, polite and creative. The staff at both schools went out of their way to make sure we had an amazing visit. Also, the people of China everywhere we went were gracious, friendly and informative.”
Some notable places the Ewings visited were the Great Wall of China, the Forbidden City, Temple of Confucius, and Tiananmen Square.