Update to parents from the headmaster 4/20/2020
Dear Farragut Families,
During these difficult times, I want to reach out and thank everyone for their patience and understanding.
As anticipated, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis came out this weekend and officially closed all public and private schools and mandated schools continue distance learning for the remainder of the school year. Following suit, Admiral Farragut Academy will finish the academic year online.
This will go down as our quarter, and we will make sure it does not impact your child’s academic future in a negative way. The learning curve for the adults and students has been a challenge, but a good challenge. As the students move forward they will look back at this experience in a positive way.
Over the next few weeks we will be sending out information on a few different topics:
- Celebrating the end of the 2019-20 school year. We are working on the logistics and/or possibilities of virtual award ceremonies and other end-of-the-year celebrations. We know these events are an important part of a student’s life and maturation and we want to make it as special as possible, but also keep with the rules of and our new norm. More information on these events coming soon.
- Safety upon our return to normalcy is our number one priority. We are working to finish up some safety issues on campus to ensure we are fully prepared to have children and employees on campus again after the quarantine is over. For example, improvements include continuous disinfection regulations, access to hand sanitizer throughout campus, and rethinking classroom set up and crowded spaces to allow for social distancing, etc.
- Our day summer camps are set to start on June 1st and we still plan on this date. Our 12-week extended boarding Summer@Farragut camp is set to start May 22nd, and will be followed by our traditional Summer@Farragut 1- to 6-week camp that starts June 20th. There may also be some additional camps we will be adding to our summer program, more on this coming soon.
- We will be opening the 2020-21 academic school year on campus and on time as planned on August 19th. We will open with our new safety and health procedures in place. We plan to have these in place for our summer programs which will then carry over to the start of school in August.
As always, I appreciate everyone’s patience during these difficult times. We look forward to having our students and teachers back on campus soon!