The New Building Campaign is closing on December 31st
The New Building Campaign is closing on December 31st. Our overall objective was $4,000,000 and we now have $4,300,000 in gifts and pledges making our first-ever capital campaign a resounding success. Our hope is that every Farragut alum will take part in this effort.
In order to do this, we need you to consider a gift of any amount. Often this is not a burden if you will consider a pledge payable over several years. Please study carefully the information describing the campaign here.
Give so that you may be counted among the many alumni who are DeSeta Hall’s benefactors. Please think about what you can manage. Even if you cannot make a pledge, consider a one-time gift for the project. The campaign will soon be over. In order to finish strong, we wish to have a response from every alumnus.
You have my most sincere gratitude for your participation and more importantly, that of our faculty, staff, and students.
Gratefully yours,
Victoria Raymer
Director of Alumni Giving and Engagement