Student-superheroes surprise young Lower School students
Imagine Batman reading to you. Or Wonder Woman.
Well, this past week, that’s exactly what happened as 17 Upper School cadets, dressed in Superhero garb for Spirit Week, visited the students in the Pre-K, Kindergarten and First Grade classes and read some of their favorite books to them.

Angela LoRusso reads to Bailey in 1st grade
Arranged by sophomore cadet Angela LoRusso, the day was an incredible success with the Lower School students sitting in awe as comic book hero look-alikes wowed their audience.
“It was soooo cool,” first-graders Bailey, Leila, and Rylie chimed in together after the event. “I mean, how many times do you get Supergirl annndd Wonder Woman reading to you? Well, we did!!”
Angela said she immediately came up with the idea when she found out about the themed day for Spirit Week. She contacted the teachers and then recruited several students to participate.
Angela also worked with the media center staff to procure books for the event.
“I just thought it would be something really neat for the kids,” said Angela, who dressed as Supergirl.
“I was nervous because I didn’t know how successful it would be, but when I saw the grins from ear to ear on each of their faces, I knew we had made an impact.”