Over $8,000 raised at the fun 2018 AAC Poker Run
On Saturday, September 29th, Farragut parents, alumni, grandparents, and friends gathered for the Admiral’s Athletics Club Poker Run held in downtown St. Petersburg. This was the third year the AAC hosted this event and this year was the most successful yet! 96 hands were sold and the event grossed over $8,000 which will go toward supporting our student-athletes and the athletic department’s needs.
During the four-hour event, everyone enjoyed drink specials and socializing at Ford’s Garage, Yeoman’s Cask & Lion, Park & Rec, DeSanto, and Ichicoro Ane. At each location, the participants received an enclosed envelope with one card, in hopes that their five-card hand was the “best”, “2nd best”, or “worst” hand. At the final stop, the dealers opened the envelopes for each player to determine the winning hands. Throughout the event raffle tickets were sold for a 50/50 drawing at the end.
Congratulations to our winners!
- Best Hand Winner: $500 – Stacy McCain
- 2nd Best Hand Winner: $200 – Glenn Witt
- Worst Hand Winner: $100 – Andrew Almstadt
- 50/50 Winner: $482- Marva Poe
Special thank you to our event sponsor Big Fish Co., to parent and AFA Athletic Assistant Mary Rice, to the AFA Marketing and Communication Dept., and of course the AAC Executive Board Members for organizing a great event!
Did you know? This year, the AAC has already helped fund the new lightning detection system and new wall cushions/bumpers for the gym.
To become involved in the AAC, please email AAC@farragut.org.
Purchase AAC Sponsorships, Memberships, or Season Tickets
Go Blue Jackets!