CAPT Geno Paluso, USN ’85N: guest speaker for the Class of 2019 graduation
Graduation was very special this year for the class of 2019. The weekend kicked off with the Final Parade with Pass In Review with CAPT Geno Paluso, USN ’85N Commandant of Cadets at The Citadel, CAPT Richard Petrucci, USN (Ret.) ’56N, Commandant Todd Wallingford, and Commander Schock.
CAPT Geno Paluso ‘85N eloquently gave the commencement speech to the class and provided the seniors with four life rules to remember as they move forward into their next journey. He inspired each and every graduate and shared one of his favorite quotes that applies to just about any situation one will face during their lifetime, “Fate whispered to the warrior, you cannot withstand the storm.” The warrior whispered back, “I am the storm.” Thank you to CAPT Paluso and his family for taking the time to come back to campus and inspire the graduates and the Farragut family.
The class of 2019 had 86 seniors who have 99% placement into top colleges from USNA, West Point, to Penn State and 1% enlisted in the U.S. Navy. We are very proud of this class.