Farragut Junior Ashton Raymer earned his Eagle Scout rank this past June. Only 4% of scouts are granted this rank (including famed moonwalking astronaut and Farragut alumnus Charles Duke [Brig Gen, USAF, Ret.]), and it takes a couple of years of hard work and commitment to complete. Eagle Scouts are required to complete a community service project, and Ashton chose to work with Boyd Hill Nature Preserve Park to build and install trash can receptacles.
The Farragut Hall circular drive at the corner of Park St. N. and 5th Ave. N. is operational, with increased parking, and a two-way traffic pattern. For everyone’s safety, it is important that you follow these rules:
If you are dropping off or picking up your child, please use the 5th Ave. N. entrance. We ask this for safety reasons. We would like the cars to be next to the sidewalks when students are being dropped off or picked up. This will limit students walking through active traffic.
The entrance/exit off of Park St. N. is also restricted to northbound traffic only. You can only enter off of Park St. N. if you are traveling northbound, and you can only exit by turning right (turning north). The County and City have insisted on this due to the high volume of traffic on this road.
Marquis at Admiral Farragut Academy graduation with parents Mark Lambert and LaTaura Blount.
In the damp, rising heat of a late-morning graduation ceremony in May, with historic Farragut Hall as a backdrop, a hush crept through the crowd of students, relatives, friends, and faculty as they anticipated the next name. Read more